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Revenge Porn: Yes, man can be victims and we need to be aware

Men are victims of revenge porn too

We should be aware that men can be victims of revenge porn too.

Is it possible for men to be victims of revenge porn? Absolutely yes.

Yesterday, Wednesday, October 25, 2017, a picture trended on Twitter NG. In the photo, a woman takes a selfie which exposes a naked man on her bed. The caption of the photo was "Hi Whitney, come and collect your man."

The photo indicated that the man was allegedly cheating on his girlfriend with the woman who took the selfie. As the photo racked up numbers, a lot of people commented on the pic and blasted the guy for allegedly cheating on his woman.


If the story is true, then the guy deserves all the bad comments. Cheating should never be tolerated. It is a despicable thing to do. If you can't be faithful, get out of the relationship. You shouldn't embarrass anyone because you can't be exclusive in a relationship.

While we shouldn't tolerate cheating culture, we shouldn't also support revenge porn. The photo that was floating yesterday was nothing but revenge porn. You can expose someone for cheating but it shouldn't include posting or sharing nude photos of a person.


The reason why no one made a fuss about the photo being revenge porn and potentially subjecting the man to online harassment because he is male. If it was a woman who was exposed in that picture, the discussion would be different.


People would have pointed out that the photo was basically revenge porn. A fuss would have been made that the picture makes the woman vulnerable to cyberbullying. And this is understandable because normally, women have been the victims or revenge porn.

We know how the story goes. A disgruntled male leaks nude photos of his former girlfriend for dumping him. This is done to humiliate the woman. Lots of women have become victims to this. Their nudes are posted online and they have to go into hiding to avoid the embarrassment.

We all accept that revenge porn is bad but that is in the context of a woman being the victim. When a man is a victim, this is usually not the case. Most times, the man is made fun of and not seen as a victim.

No one should be the victim of revenge porn, man and woman. If we are serious about getting rid of cyber bullying then we shouldn't only see women as the victims in these type of cases.


Even if a man cheats or stepping outside of his relationship to ask for sex, there are other ways to expose him than posting his nude photo.

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