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John Boyega’s new film Naked Singularity is a mix-mash of film genres

Chase Palmer’s latest cut ‘Naked Singularity', an adaptation of Sergio De La Pava’s novel based on the same title, aims to hit the highest bars of 4 film genres; Crime, Action, Comedy, and Thriller Sadly it peaks at none.

The story sees ‘Casi’ (John Boyega) a fresh out of school law grad storming into the New York City courthouse. Ready to take on America’s justice system. Ready to take on the world.

Barely hours into his legal practice Casi is met with the sour reality of the justice system.

After a series of setbacks in his clients’ case, Casi is approached by ‘Dane’(Bill Skarsgard), an enthusiastic colleague. Dane introduces Casi to a heist that could set them up for life.

John Boyega’s new film Naked Singularity is a mix-mash of film genres
John Boyega’s new film Naked Singularity is a mix-mash of film genres

This leads them to meet Lea (Olivia Cooke) a street smart hustler tangled in the webs of corporate America and jail time. Together the three pull off a successful heist of 15million dollars from a Mexican drug cartel.

This subplot illustrates how the lines of good and evil in law aren’t so distinct. ‘You can break the law and still believe in justice’ Casi’s roommate says in a weed inspired monologue.

In the end, we see Casi use the funds gotten from the heist to aid clients in court trials. Which pretty much gives critical minds a good laugh at what a joke the criminal justice system is. That it will rather accept bail money from unknown sources than rehabilitation and social welfare.

John Boyega’s new film Naked Singularity is a mix-mash of film genres
John Boyega’s new film Naked Singularity is a mix-mash of film genres

‘Naked Singularity’ aims to be one of those movies that spark political conversations about injustice and the ‘street to prison pipeline’ with the use of crime and outcasts but what limits the impact is its material being stretched too thin, that the film loses total substance & rewatch appeal.

Well, not completely! If you just want to see John Boyega and Olivia Cooke in their cinematic element.


Freelance Writer, Pop Culture Critic & Storyteller.

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