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Pulse Nigeria Poll: Readers say Adewale should go for spiritual deliverance

This man is really sad and needs advice

71% of Pulse Nigeria Poll voters are all in agreement that Adewale should seek out a very powerful man of God to deliver him.

Adewale has been married to Ronke for 20 years and they have five children but little did he know that he has been under the bondage of his wife and her family.

He got to realize that Ronke, her mother, and others are in a coven and have been manipulating him against his family.

Now he has the battle to free himself but will they allow him or would he be fighting against superior forces?

Read his story here:

"My name is Adewale, a 45-year-old married man with five children. At the moment, my life is in danger after I discovered that my wife of 20 years is not only fetish but is in the occult world.

Ronke and I got married against the wishes of my family who warned me to stay away from her because they see her people as being very wicked. Though she is from a village not far from mine, our people thought they were up to no good.

Maybe I was madly in love with her or she actually used charms on me but I insisted on getting married to her and defied every member of my family.

ALSO READ: "Morning Teaser: 'Urgent Help: My wife is fetish, occultic'"

In fact, that decision ostracised me from my family and took several years before we could mend fences. Needless to say that members of my family and my wife hardly saw eye to eye and even when we had settled the differences and we began to go home for occasions, the relationship was mostly frosty.

My problems started when Ronke found out that I was planning to build a house for my parents and she opposed the move so vehemently that we had a serious quarrel over the issue.

I did not see her reasons on why I should not build a house for my parents as far as I had the means to do so. She had always been against me sending money to members of my family but I felt she had gotten too far and told her nothing would make me go back on my words.

I remember vividly when I had a dream in the night we had the quarrel and I saw Ronke, her mother, and other women I could not place their faces, all of them tying wrappers across their breasts, with their faces painted in red, black and white, warning me against going against their orders.

They told me if I did not want to incur their wrath, I must not go ahead with the building or else something terrible will happen to me. The dream was so vivid it was as if it was happening in real life.

When I woke out from the nightmare and saw Ronke sleeping beside me, I tried to shake her awake but no matter what I did, she did not wake up.

I thought she was dead and picked up my phone to call my younger sister who is a nurse but I was shocked when Ronke told me, still asleep, that I should drop the phone or something bad will happen to me.

When she finally woke up, my wife told me that what I saw was just a tip of the iceberg and that going forward, I would only do anything she says otherwise I will be in trouble with her people.

She did not even hide it. And since that day which is about two months now, I know I am in deep trouble as my wife and her coven has been controlling my life, appearing to me in the dream, telling me what to do and not.

ALSO READ: "Pulse Nigeria Poll: Readers say they will pray for a spouse who is a ritualist"

This story may seem far-fetched or what is seen in Yoruba movies but since it is happening to me in real life, I am seriously in need of help. Please, readers should not think this is a made up story or fiction.

I have given Pulse my contact numbers and anyone who can help should get in touch with them and I am sure they will get back to me.

God bless you.


The teaser for the day was:

What should Wale do to free himself from Ronke's coven?

How Nigeria voted:

Adewale should seek out a powerful man of God for deliverance - 71%

Adewale should go to a spirit-filled church for deliverance - 29%

Adewale should go a strong herbalist who will break the hold - 7%

Adewale should report the matter to his family - 5%

How would your vote swing here?

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