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Deadly Women: Daughters plan with mum to kill strict dad who won't allow jeans at home

Daughters plan with mum to kill strict dad who won't allow jeans at home

In order to dress in a preferred way, a group of girls conspired with their mum in kill their father who reportedly has an attractive pension.

In India, a dad who made a particular sense of style on his daughters has been killed by the group who received support from their mother, 52-year-old Zahida.

The Channels News Asia (CNA) gathered that the deceased was killed by the family members who resented his order restricting them from wearing jeans.

CNA confirmed that the group comprising of Zeenat, 22, Iram, 19, Alia, 18, and Saba, 26 and their mum, also killed the victim, Meharbaan Ali reportedly a police officer prior to death.


Ali's corpse was reportedly found at a canal on Sunday, June 24, 2018. One of the motivation behind the killing of the policeman appeared to be his harsh criticism of an affair which developed between his wife and brother.

ALSO READ: Muslim killed by Hindus after slaughtering a cow in India

The Indian police are on a lookout for suspected assassins alleged to have killed Ali whose pension benefits inspired his murder.

The reverse was the case in Jodhpur, India where a dad cut his daughter's throat as a sacrifice to God.

Dad slits 4-yr-old daughter's throat to use as Ramadan sacrifice

One Nawab Ali Qureshi has reportedly confessed to slitting the throat of his 4-yr-old daughter as a sacrifice to God for Ramadan.

According to him, he needed to be free from the devil's possession at the time which was his reason for slaughtering his daughter.

Times of India reports that the 26-year-old meat seller earlier blamed Rizwana's death on a family cat but finally confessed to the crime on Friday, June 8, 2018.

He reportedly said, "I had to offer my most prized possession to Allah".


The reports revealed that Qureshi recited passages from the Koran before killing his daughter in Jodhpur, India.

He is reported to have confessed after his wife, Shabana reported the case to the police after she discovered Rizwana dead at about 3 am that morning.

He said: "I am a devout Muslim and love my daughter more than my life. For several days she was at her grandmother’s place and returned on Thursday.

"I took her to the marketplace and bought sweetmeats and fruits. In the night I took her to the courtyard downstairs, recited a kalima, killed her, and then went back to sleep upstairs."

May the soul of the deceased rest in peace.

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