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Lalong unveils plan to consolidate on first term

Following the success of his strategy during the first tenure, Plateau State Governor Simon Lalong has unfolded a four-year development plan. YUSUFU AMINU IDEGU examines the new development plan.

Plateau State Governor Simon Lalong must believe strongly in the saying: “He who fails to plan, plans to fail”. The governor started his first term by setting out a strategic plan of development for his four-year tenure. As a result, he set the state on the part of steady progress, with his five-prong policy. The policy emphasizes peace, security and good governance; human capital development and social welfare, agriculture and rural development, entrepreneurship and industrialization; as well as physical infrastructure and environment.

The success of Lalong’s first term could be attributed to the governor’s proactive approach to governance. The governor’s efforts helped put an end to incessant killings in the state. He restored peace in all the 17 local government, in clear fulfillment of the first of his strategic, development policy. The construction of over 270 roads across the state, as well as the completion of inherited infrastructural projects suggests that he has fulfilled the second of the five-point policy within his first term. In the areas of agriculture and rural development, which is the third pillar, Lalong also did well. He revived the moribund State Fertilizer Blending Plant located in Bokkos. The plant has made fertilizer readily available to farmers and this has, in turn, encouraged many more youths to return to take to farming.

The creation of Plateau State Small and Medium Agency has brought in its wake massive training of millions of youths on varieties of entrepreneurial skills. This is a direct fulfillment of the governor’s fourth agenda. On the development of physical infrastructure, he completed most of the inherited projects, particularly the revival of Highland Bottling Company, the completion of Mararaba Jamaa-Secretariat Junction Road and mounting of solar-powered street lights on major streets in Jos, the state capital. These developments have, no doubt, changed the face of the Jos metropolis and boosted the status of the state tourism sector.

Shortly after his inauguration for second term, the Lalong administration sought the services of development experts, to come up with another four-year blueprint. On completion of their work recently, the experts submitted their report to the government. Governor Lalong said the report has provided an economic direction for the state in the next four years. He said: “In the development of his strategic plans for the state’s development, the state will hold an economic investment summit, where all stakeholders will be made to key into the economic development plan of the government.”

Lalong said his administration will drive the economic rebirth of the state. A statement issued by the Director of Press and Public Affairs, Dr Simon Makut, said: “The development of the state’s economic blueprint and four-year strategic plan coincided with the unveiling of Governor Lalong’s next cabinet, which is going to drive the new development plan. The governor who received the development plan from Boston Consulting Group in his office at the Government House, Jos, said the document will be a key driver of his final term, as he charts a new course for the state, where he is determined to develop Plateau into an economically-viable state.”

Makut further quoted Governor Lalong as saying that “my determination is to move the state away from the civil service perception, through the creation of many economic opportunities that are only found in an industrialised and entrepreneurial environment”. He said the idea is to use the development plan to empower the people and catch up with states like Lagos. The director said the governor wants all senior public servants that will serve in his second term to be conversant with the strategic development plan, which will serve as the Bible and Koran of the ‘Next Level’ rescue administration.”

The Country Director of Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Dr. Joao Hrotko, while presenting the report, stated that during the committee’s assignment, which lasted eight weeks, it had discussions with head of ministries, departments and agencies, to arrive at the new plan. The group presented three volumes of comprehensive reports that contained eight strategic implementable pillars for the development of Plateau State in the next four years.

The first volume contains eight strategic pillars to achieve: peace, security and good governance, infrastructural development, sustainable economic rebirth, sustainable agriculture, improved revenue generation, human capital development, tourism development and solid mineral development. The second volume has 35 implementation initiatives, while the third volume is tagged ‘Donor Deck with ways for funding projects from foreign investment and donor agencies’.

The development of the state’s economic roadmap was completed before the composition of the state’s executive council, which is made up of 23 commissioners. While inaugurating the newly appointed commissioners, Governor Lalong, in a strongly-worded speech, deliberately anchored the success of his second term administration on the commitment and determination of his commissioners and other political appointees. He said: “Now that you have been sworn in and taken your oath of office as commissioners, you have been legally equipped to discharge your duties in your respective ministries. Let me on behalf of the government and good people of Plateau State congratulate all of you. You should see yourselves as first amongst equals. This mandate however goes with huge responsibilities of service delivery to our people within the ambit of the policy thrust of the second phase of our rescue mission.

“Shortly after securing our victory for another term, I commissioned the famous Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to undertake the task of developing a five-year development plan for Plateau State, which will shape our final term in office. After months of engagements with ministries, departments, agencies, local government councils, the economic advisory team and other stakeholders, they have since submitted their report to me. This document provides the roadmap for the implementation of our ‘Next Level’ rescue agenda in serving our people effectively. All appointees are expected to study the document, as directed to enable them hit the ground running and stay on target in implementing our party’s agenda and campaign promises.

“As commissioners, you are the highest political heads of your ministry, department and agency, as the case may be. Similarly, as members of the State Executive Council, which is the highest policy formulation organ, you are expected to advice on technical or procedural matters towards informed decisions on developmental issues.

“Above all, you should see yourselves as part of history in meeting up to the challenges ahead, towards ensuring seamless governance. In achieving these, you are expected to ensure good synergy and working cooperation with your permanent secretaries, directors and other support staff in the machinery of government towards successful implementation of programmes and projects. With some of these charges, you will appreciate that the burdens on your shoulders are very heavy and your position is not for glamour, but of absolute responsibility. Your appointment is a patriotic call to duty, which should be devoid of betrayal of trust. Since I discouraged every lobby and influence to personally select you, I am going to drive you so hard and hold you to the highest standards as you carry out your assignments to ensure we achieve tangible results. I therefore expect nothing less than loyalty, diligence, commitment, probity and accountability to our development plans within the three pillar policies of the administration, namely: peace, security and good governance; physical infrastructural development; and sustainable economic rebirth. I will therefore not hesitate to reprimand, chastise, query and where necessary discipline by removal from office, any of you who goes contrary to the agenda of our rescue government and indeed extant public service rules.”

Many stakeholders who attended the inauguration of the new commissioners acknowledged that the tone of the governor’s speech showed that he meant business. One of the immediate past commissioners who was not part of the new list said: “I have never seen the governor speak to his appointees in this tone. Lalong has never been this firm and assertive. He has changed from being the humble leader we used to know. But he must be acting based on experiences of the first term, when his appointees took advantage of his humility and gentlemanly disposition to do all manner of things. I don’t think this new appointees will be allowed the kind of laxity that characterized the first term”

Towards the end of the last tenure, Lalong coined a new development goal known as ‘Legacy Project’. This legacy projects are geared towards the provision of new social development projects in all the three senatorial districts. He quickly reminded the new commissioners: “Certainly, to fulfill the challenges of leaving a lasting legacy, you need every support from all and sundry. However, this is without prejudice to your different affiliations and the right to demand for quality service and good governance. To avoid unnecessary distraction from friends and relations, let me specially plead that relations, friends and party loyalists should not exert unnecessary pressures on your wards as these could easily derail them and have negative effects on their effective performances in service to the state. You will agree with me that we have so much to do in our hands within short time available to us. We are very ambitious in marketing Plateau to the world as the most favourable destination for investment and true home of peace and tourism.

“As we consolidate on the peace we have restored to Plateau State, we hope to generate more revenues to complete ongoing projects, continue implementing our legacy projects, as well as create more jobs for our teeming youths and women. This is why we have engaged a reputable firm of professionals, not only to advise us on how to increase our revenue base, but also work with our revenue generating agencies through the process. I urge all and sundry to cooperate with these agencies in accomplishing positive results.”

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