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Why I want to succeed Lalong, by Pwul

All Progressives Congress (APC) chieftain and lawyer Chief Garba Shamtu Pwul explains to KOLADE ADEYEMI why he wants to succeed Governor Simeon Lalong of Plateau State.


Give us a brief background of who you are…

My name is Chief Garba Pwul. I am a Senior Advocate of Nigeria. I am a private legal practitioner based in Jos. I have been in practice as a lawyer for about 40 years. I am currently a chieftain of the APC from Mangu Local Government Area, Plateau State Central. By our political arrangement, my zone will produce a governor in 2023.

Why do you want to be governor of Plateau State?

In one word, patriotism! The love for Plateau State, the love for the growth of Plateau State, the need to see the state grow, the need to give back to Plateau State from the much it has contributed to my life and the need to leave my experience as a legacy for the generations to come.

How would you convince people that you have all it takes to   govern Plateau State?

I think the answer is  positive because all these 40 years of my practice as a lawyer have been in Plateau State. In other words, I was born here, schooled here and work here in Plateau State. I never lived outside the state and my practice starts from elementary to rudimentary days that cut the entire Plateau State and Nasarawa State. There is no local government in this 17 Local Government of Plateau State from which I don’t have a client and which I know in the course of my work. There is no ward in Plateau State that I have not been to. I have been investing seriously on the people and I am aware that Plateau people believe so much in me. I am coming to Plateau Government House to make a difference. I am in politics to salvage my people. So, I have sufficient knowledge, not only for the state and individual ward, but also the struggle of living together among the different ethnic nationalities of the state. I am aware of all the agitations of my people. I am in this race to bring unity and heal old wounds. So, I believe I have the sufficient knowledge of the state to be able to govern it.

What do you think the people lack that you want to provide?

Number one is purposeful leadership, which I am prepared to provide. Purposeful leadership can unite the people without answering to tribe, geographical place of origin, place of residence, nature of work, gender or even religion. The troublesome leaders that have background that cut across religion and tribe. I think I can say with modestly that I am ready for purposeful leadership.

You said something someday that your job is not to sit as a cement seller, wait for the truck to deliver the product at designated place? Can you expanciate on this?

In leadership, I am not kind of a leader who sits down and looks at the problem that comes in and look at the demands that ends in his table like a leader who sells cement waiting for buyers to come and buy and take wherever they want to take to. But, a leader who sells the cement to the people is the one that is in touch with the needs of the people at the grassroot level and as well went to deliver the cement to whom exactly the cement is to be delivered, and to whom the responsibility of sharing of this cement properly to one who is trusted. That is the kind of leadership you know that I intend to provide. I am a kind of leader who sits down in office, analyze the problem and go back to deliver where the problem is. The solution should be applied where the problem is. And since there are varies problem, there are varies solutions, there are varies places to apply the solutions.

What do you want to say about the previous governors since 1999?

It is natural that I will be different because every authority is different. In Hausa, they used to say’ Sarki -Gona zamani-Goma’!  Because every leader is different in his style of leadership. Just like Dariye is different from Jang, Jang is different from Lalong and Lalong is different from me, and I will also be different. But, I only hope that my side will not be to condemn the best. My side is to build better upon the past.  So, what I will do differently is that to ensure that I connect constantly to the people from the grassroots to the middle level and to the echelon of the society. And it is not easy for the elite, the top politicians to come to Government House claim to know the problems of the people and give the governor, but he says what the people are not saying. So, when you saw the problems that is presented to you by such elite, you think you are solving the problems of your homeland, but the truth of the matter is that the main deal has been left! Therefore, myself will be a personal direct touch with the origin of every ward and every local government commonly as grassroot, if my findings are in accord with the things elites are telling me then I will attend to it, and if they are in conflict, I will deal directly with my findings in such situations. Secondly, I will also ensure that power belongs to the people. We are not going to be relegated to the background. People will be empowered. We have economy empowerment, relative empowerment to govern his area. Some of the ward heads, for me will be the chief security officer of his ward. And whatever shall take we will ensure we give to him so that I can tackle the problem of security.Similarly, the village head will be responsible for the security of his village and the tools that will enable him to work effectively will be given to him. This automatically translate to the district head. Every district head will be the security officer of his district. In the sense that he will be given support to ensure that he can secure his district. And so the local government will be automatically secure. If every ward head secure his ward, every village head secure his village, every district head secure his district and, of course, every chiefdom will secure his Chiefdom. That means the entire state will be secure exponentially. So, for me the situation where you visit the office of the district head even in rural areas that are vulnerable, they don’t have a single police there you know that he himself is not secure. And since he is not secured, he cannot secure his district. Therefore, the elementary things is that the areas in their existing nature at any level; ward, village, district and local government should ensure there should security in the true sense of it.

Do you have the confidence of the people, considering the complexity of the state?

Again, the answer there is positive. There is this Hausa adage which says” adade a na Yi sai gaskiya”. The nature of our legal practice is based on confidence of the clients in you and trust that have record from your clients. So, for almost 40 years I practice law privately in this state and so, if I was not trust worthy the people could have not been coming to me. Certainly, we launched our pattern to other states that do not know me in search of greeny pasture.

And so, I enjoy the confidence of the people in the course of my professional practice. I enjoy their trust. I never betray any and most of them are looking forward to giving me a higher responsibility which is in accordance with what the Bible says that he who is faithful over a little will be given much so that his faithfulness can be extended to that much.

I believe that Plateau people in all the nooks and crannies of this state are arrive and anxious to give me the higher trust because they have found me worthy in my little area of professional practice. And it is also because perhaps, my level of practice was rising until I became the Senior Advocate of Nigeria, SAN. I said to God be the glory and I thank the people for this unwavering confidence and I am ready to partner with them in 2023 to not, only accept the mandate, but to discharge the trust for the benefit and for the like of all!


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