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Much ado about restructuring

Restructuring. This is the buzz word in the country today. But the proponents are divided on the shape it should take. On the other hand, the antagonists equate it with plans to decimate the country, report Associate Editor, Sam Egburonu, Assistant Editor, Dare Odufowokan and Sunday Oguntola.

CALL for the restructuring of Nigeria has become a familiar political song echoing in virtually all parts of the country-east, west and north. Though an old rugged tune, dating back to the days before the country’s return to civilian democracy in 1999, when the defunct National Democratic Coalition (NADECO), headed by late Chief Anthony Enahoro, led the chorus, it has today become a rather difficult lyric that even the singers themselves and their listeners seem confused on what should be the right tune and the actual meaning of the song.

When NADECO, after Enahoro’s return to Nigeria from a four-year exile, demanded for the convocation of a Sovereign National Conference, he said the political dispensation under late Head of State, Gen. Sani Abacha and the 1999 Constitution “were foisted on the nation by past military regimes, adding that these realities “made it imperative for the country to start dialogue on some fundamental issues dividing it.”

Defining what the envisaged change should look like and the expected attitude of Nigerians towards the realisation of the dream of a better Nigeria, Enahoro said in the year 2000, “a country at the turbulent cross-roads of its existence, such as ours, has no viable option but to find radical, innovative solution to its problems.”

At that time, both his supporters and the government which frustrated his efforts, seemed to have no doubt over the nature of the changes Enahoro and his supporters demanded for.

Also, the South-South had, for long, led the call for resource control by the federating units. But as the call for restructuring becomes a national issue today, there seems to be serious confusion as advocates and critics of the concept proffer different definitions of restructuring, thus making it difficult to know what could currently be considered the general meaning of the call.

The confusion

“I know there is a lot of hue and cry about restructuring to the extent that we have lost sight of the real meaning of restructuring because it means different things to different people. There has been a lot of hype about restructuring. In my mind, we have a government in office, and this government has a constitution, and our constitution is written, and everything contained there is very clear except the need for interpretation,”

This was how Governor Mohammed Abubakar of Bauchi State expressed the current confusion while speaking to journalists recently on the sideline of the annual conference of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), in Lagos.

Abubakar did not just arrive at the above conclusion alone. Like many other stakeholders and observers of the Nigerian political scene, he must have had reasons to ponder on what Nigerians mean when they call for or hear the word, restructuring.

“The only thing that is clear here is that people are talking on the need or otherwise of restructuring. Be that as it may, it is worrisome that majority of the discussants have failed to be specific on what they want done. Indeed, a clear understanding of the term has remained wholly in the imaginations of the gladiators,” Comrade Gerald Obogo of the Voters’ Right Agenda (VoRA), said.

To further compound the raging confusion, the call for restructuring is not without opposition. Thus, while some who believe there is need for the country to be restructured seem unable to come to terms over what the process of restructuring the country should entail, voices are also rising daily against the entire agitation for restructuring with proponents of the call being labelled ‘opportunists’ and ‘noise makers’, among other derogatory terms.

And in the midst of it all, the federal government and the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) have been the butt of many reprimands and blames, especially from the camp of those in support of immediate restructuring of the polity, which they said currently suffers from the numerous lopsidedness in its political, economic and social make up. The status quo, they said, must change.

“I have no sympathy for either Buhari or APC. This is because, as a government and party that came into prominence through well-known support for agitations like the current call for restructuring, they needed not wait until they were rudely reminded of the need to address the issue in this manner. I strongly believe that if the current administration had led the debate on restructuring, it wouldn’t have turned out as messy as it currently is,” Obogo argued.

But his position is not shared by many people in government today, especially those who are APC chieftains. Governor Nasir El’rufai of Kaduna State, for example, was quoted as saying: “Some of those calling for restructuring did not believe in it when they were in power.”

Also, while some critics of the call for a roundtable conference to re-negotiate Nigeria said any need at amending our laws should be the responsibilities of our elected lawmakers, others insist the needed restructuring must be more than a mere constitutional amendment.

One word, different meaning

Given the discordant tune over the actual meaning of the word, restructuring, it seems necessary to search for the simple meaning of the word, even in the dictionary.

The Business Dictionary explained the term restructuring as “the bringing about of a drastic or fundamental internal change that alters the relationships between different components or elements of an organisation or system,” while the Cambridge English Dictionary says it is “to organise a company, business, or system in a new way to make it operate more effectively.”

The manifesto of the APC, the ruling party, which had come under heavy criticisms for abandoning its promise to restructure the country, said, among other things, that it would “initiate action to amend our Constitution with a view to devolving powers, duties and responsibilities to states and local governments in order to entrench true federalism and the federal spirit.”

The APC further offered to “restructure government for a leaner, more efficient and adequately compensated public service; require full disclosure in all media outlets of all government contracts of over N100m prior to award and during implementation at regular intervals.”

Explaining what he thinks restructuring might really mean, Governor Mohammed Abubakar of Bauchi State said, “the system we are running can do with a few readjustments, but to my mind within the ambits of the constitution. I am not one of those who subscribe to the fact that this constitution was forced on us. I am not. I have read a bit of constitutional law, and I know that there is a principle that is called the principle of state necessity.”

Some concerned observers had pointed out that the problem today is that these stated definitions differ significantly from what some other proponents of Nigeria’s restructuring today mean. To some, it would mean return to regional government where the regions will control their resources and the centre would be left with little power.

For and against

The confusion notwithstanding, prominent Nigerians have so far come out openly not only to advocate for or oppose the concept but also to explain what they mean by restructuring and its likely impact on Nigeria of our dream.

The debate caught fresh fire recently after former Vice President and APC chieftain, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, from the North-East geo-political zone, publicly called for immediate restructuring of Nigeria.

Observers had said it was instructive that the former vice president, who came from a region many have argued are opposed to the concept, spoke against the backdrop of renewed agitations by militants in the oil-rich Niger Delta and the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). According to him, “Agitations by many right-thinking Nigerians call for a restructuring and renewal of our federation to make it less centralised, less suffocating and less dictatorial in the affairs of our country’s constituent units and localities. As some of you may know, I have for a long time advocated the need to restructure our federation. Our current structure and the practices it has encouraged have been a major impediment to the economic and political development of our country. In short, it has not served Nigeria well, and at the risk of reproach it has not served my part of the country, the North, well.

“The call for restructuring is even more relevant today in the light of the governance and economic challenges facing us. And the rising tide of agitation of some militants requires a reset in our relationships as a united nation,” he saidat a book launch on We are all Biafrans, written by Chido Onumah in Abuja.

The debate became even more robust when the Nobel Laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, also called for the restructuring of the Nigerian federation. Countering declarations by the Federal Government that Nigerian unity was not negotiable, he said, “I am on the side of those who say that we must do everything to avoid disintegration. That language I understand. I don’t understand Obasanjo’s language. I don’t understand Buhari’s language and all their predecessors saying the sovereignty of this nation is non-negotiable. It’s bloody well negotiable and we had better negotiate it. We better negotiate it, not even at meetings, not at conferences, but every day in our conduct towards one another,” Soyinka said.

In July this year, at a colloquium held at the Ijaw National Academy, Kaiama in Bayelsa State entitled: ‘A day with the Nobel laureate, Soyinka had also said in the presence of some Ijaw literary icons that it was wrong to say Nigeria cannot be restructured.

Commenting on the restructuring debate, he had said: “My response is simple. We must stop confusing and mixing up the argument, we are mixing up the argument. It is very unfortunate for our leaders to say that the question of breaking up or not breaking up should not arisen in the first place. It all sounds hypocritical, dogmatic and dictatorial.”

Regional differences

Generally, most Northern leaders are still dragging their feet over the need for radical restructuring of the country, although a few, like former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, have become prominent voices for immediate restructuring.

At the fore-front of the region’s campaign against restructuring are northern leaders who were members of the 2014 National Conference, who spoke under the auspice of the Northern Delegates’ Forum (NDF). According to the forum, “the North was not given fair representation in the conference with 189 delegates despite its landmass of 70 per cent and 55 per cent of the country’s population. Therefore, we were not happy with the report and have come out with this second report and communiqué.”

Alhaji Bashiru Dalhatu, who was a Minister of Power and Steel in the Gen. Sani Abacha government and a leader of the forum, said “we call upon any group of sponsors or individuals agitating for any form of restructuring of the federation, first and foremost, to respect the existing constitutional order and to seek to do so within the bounds and parameters stipulated under our constitution and law. To suggest otherwise would lead to chaos and anarchy.”

They further said that the 2014 Conference, which many are using as the basis for calling for restructuring, was not representative in many ways. “The 2014 National Conference had 492 members and the north which constitutes about 70 per cent of the country’s landmass and 55 per cent of its population was allocated 189 delegates while the South, with only 30 per cent of the landmass and 45 per cent of its population, was given an incredible 305 delegates. This went against sensible demographics, law and practice, which could have hardly been done in good faith. Certainly, it was designed to put in particular our delegates and the North in general at a disadvantage,” they argued.

This is just as elders of the South-West are insisting on a restructuring process that will usher in return to the federal system established by the founding fathers of Nigeria in the 1950s, where each section of the country was able to develop at its own pace. This has been the unanimous agreement reached at several gatherings and summits held across the region, since the agitation for restructuring resurfaced.

At a recent summit on the subject matter in Ibadan, eminent Yoruba monarchs, elders and stakeholders, including the Ooni of Ife, Oba Enitan Adeyeye Ogunwusi, Ojaja II, Special Adviser to the President on Political Matters, Sen Babafemi Ojudu; former Minister of Aviation, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode; former Deputy Governor of Lagos State, Sen. Kofoworola Bucknor-Akerele and former Deputy Governor of Ogun State, Senator Gbenga Kaka, backed the ongoing agitation for restructuring.

Others at the summit were the founder of the Oodua Peoples Congress, (OPC), Dr. Frederick Fasehun; National Coordinator of OPC, Otunba Gani Adams; Chairman of Yoruba Council of Elders, Chief Idowu Sofola; Sen Iyiola Omisore; Sen Mojisola Akinfenwa; Dr. Doyin Okupe, Senior Special Assistant to former President Goodluck Jonathan; Chief Supo Shonibare; Mr. Wale Oshun and Archbishop Ayo Ladigbolu, retired archbishop of Methodist Church Nigeria, among others.

Speaking as Chairman of the Ibadan Summit, Chief Afe Babalola (SAN), said restructuring would address issues like the over-concentration of power at the centre.

“No matter the motive of the conveners of Berlin Conference, we have lived together for over 100 years having been married by fiat of the Europeans. It is better to dialogue and restructure the country. No woman wants dissolution of a marriage if the parties live in comfort and are prosperous. It is incumbent on the leaders to make the country so prosperous that nobody would agitate for secession,” he said.

Present at the summit in show of solidarity were President of the Ohanaeze Ndigo, Chief John Nwodo and leader of the South-South Forum, Chief Albert Horsfall, amongst others, who reiterated their regions’ support for immediate restructuring of Nigeria.

Nwodo, who led the South-East delegation to the summit, said “I am here with a large delegation to emphasise the Ndigbo solidarity with this occasion. What is happening today shows that democracy has begun to grow in Nigeria.

Similarly, Afenifere leader, Chief Ayo Adebanjo called on those who were still sceptical about the need for restructuring to see beyond their doubts, noting that the process will further make the country stronger to reform the present skewed system. He said there is need to ensure equality for all Nigerians, irrespective of their backgrounds and or affiliations.

Earlier, some other notable leaders from the South-East zone have openly called for restructuring of the country. They include Second Republic Vice President, Dr. Alex Ekwueme, former governors of Anambra State, Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeife and Peter Obi. Speaking at an event Entitled “Still in search of true Federalism,” during the 17th Annual Convention of the Igbo Youth Movement, headed by Evangelist Elliot Ukoh, at the Nike Lake Hotel in Enugu, the Igbo leaders, who hosted some Yoruba elders like Afenifere leader, Chief Ayo Adebanjo, called on President Muhammadu Buhari to commence the immediate implementation of the National Conference report. They said the implementation “will address the myriads of problems confronting the nation.”

Ekwueme, on his part, said the six zones structure he recommended was the result of a deep reflection on how to solve Nigeria’s problems and that the zones have taken care of minorities in the south and north. Ukoh added that what Nigeria negotiated for and agreed with the colonial masters before independence was regional government where each had a constitution, all of which were annexed to the Republican Constitution of 1963.

For the South-South, restructuring can be summarized simply as resource control.

APC in search of definition

However, as the debate rages, the APC said it does not understand what some people mean by restructuring. As a result, the party has set up a committee, headed by the Governor of Kaduna State, Nasir el-Rufa’I, to come up with the party’s own definition of restructuring. “When we talk about a committee on restructuring, what we are talking about is a committee that will articulate what APC means by restructuring because we have realised that over a couple of days now or weeks, when people use the word restructuring, we don’t know if we are talking about the same thing and people have gone about saying APC promised restructuring,” the party spokesman, Bolaji Abdullah, said.

But the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), in what many observers described as a reversal of roles, has said it is high time a critical look is taken on how the structures and institutions in the country operate. This was canvassed at a recent press conference by the Chairman of the PDP National Caretaker Committee, Senator Ahmed Makarfi.

“We, however, observe the restructuring could mean different things to different people. ‎It is therefore important that we consider the framework within which we can even discuss and be on the same page as to what kind of restructuring we mean or desire; and if nationally accepted, agree on framework for its implementation,” Makarfi stated.

What other Nigerians want?

To capture what Nigerians actually mean today when they call for restructuring of the country, The Nation sought the views of some opinion leaders and intellectuals. Former President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Olisa Agbakoba (SAN) in an interview explained that “Nigeria needs restructuring but power devolution more urgently to address grievances.”

He noted that the concept is popular in the South but will meet with stiff resistance among Northerners, a development that may make it almost impossible to achieve.

To get restructuring, he said the South must lobby the North and assure it is not about “balkanization or division of the nation.”

“Any political arrangement requires consensus to succeed. So, we must accept the North doesn’t want the word ‘restructuring,’ he said, adding,

“It is a popular concept in the South but the North doesn’t like it. They don’t like it for many reasons.

“Generally, the North likes big government, so if restructuring means reducing governance, they immediately get concerned.

“You can’t do it by yourself. The South cannot by itself restructure Nigeria. In fact, the North has more representatives in the National Assembly. They will naturally kill it. That was why they killed the Devolution of Power Bill.

So, any sensible and pragmatic person will look to see what’s the middle ground? The middle ground would be how to make the states more engaged in the process of development.

“Restructuring would be the ultimate, ideal goal but the first way to go that all the state governors will agree to, is to give them more monies and powers.”

He went on: “When we now get the confidence of the North and they realise that’ it is the way to go, we can move to more technical issues.

“You know the Federal Government controls 98 items of power. Under the devolution process, they will give up maybe 30 items to the states and in turn reduce its allocation from 58 percent to maybe 30 percent, making the states to have more money and to be better engaged.

“That will make states not to run to Abuja every month to get money. When you move like that, no governor will oppose it. That is what I would recommend. Restructuring will cause mayhem.

”Devolution of powers means you devolve powers to the existing organs while restructuring means you have to create new organs, then devolve powers to them. So, why don’t we start with devolving until everybody becomes comfortable with restructuring?”

To Prof Anya O. Anya, restructuring means reworking the structure of the nation for optimum delivery. He said: “Restructuring simply means there is an existing structure; if you make adjustment to it, it is restructuring. It doesn’t need any special definition. All those people saying they don’t know what restructuring is are just speaking from both sides of the mouth.

“You hear terms like devolution, decentralisation, federalism and others mean restructuring. It means you are changing an existing structure to something slightly different from what you have. So, there is no point over flogging it.

“I am of the view, as other people are that the current structure has not served the country well. And the least we can do is to take a good, hard look at it and make necessary adjustments. I don’t want to say it has to be this way or that way. It is a decision for the Nigerian people to take.”

Katsina State Governor, Aminu Masari however believes in devolution of power instead of restructuring.

Given the obvious confusion over definition of the word, the fact that the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and other parties have bought into the call for immediate restructuring and the recent explanation that the El’rufai-led APC Restructuring Committee is assigned to come up with the ruling party’s understanding of the concept of restructuring, Nigerians are eager to know if and what manner of restructuring the current government would eventually come up with. That, they said, will determine the tempo of the polity in the near future.


The post Much ado about restructuring appeared first on The Nation Nigeria.

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