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Man discovers that four-year-old son was fathered by his wife's lecturer

Man discovers that his son was fathered by his wife's lecturer

He had always suspected that the boy was not his.

A few weeks ago, Pulse reported the list that ranked Nigeria second on the list of paternity fraud. Sometime later, Pulse did a more detailed breakdown on the issue of paternity fraud, with a keen focus on Nigeria. Nonetheless, more evidence has brought to light suspicions that paternity fraud is a global phenomenon than a national peculiarity.

The sad news has been stealing the waves of attention and conversation, but it is less gruesome than the case of the Nigerian man who discovered that his four children were fathered by four different fathers — none being his — at the US Embassy. The news is that of a Zimbabwean man has discovered that his four-year-old son is not actually his but that of his wife’s lecturer.

iHarare reports that the man, named Lovemore Mlambo always suspected that the boy wasn’t his, due to a worrying lack of resemblance. The doubt was so much, he had equally refused to register the boy’s birth, placing him as his official father.

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Mlambo is reported to have said that his love for his wife deteriorated after the boy was born. He also claims to have discovered exchanged messages between his wife and a man who invited her over for drinks.

He has since opted to do a DNA test to confirm or dispute his doubt. Alas, the DNA test confirmed that he wasn’t the father.

Lovemore claims the child looks like wife’s lecturer, whom he assumes bedded his wife. His wife, Angel refused to reveal who the real father of the child is, she also claims to have been faithful to her husband since they met.

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