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‘APC will restore ideological politics’

Chief Emmanuel Ibediro is the National Organising Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC). He spoke with BOLAJI OGUNDELE on reconciliation in the party and other issues.


What is your reaction to the victory of the APC in Bayelsa and Kogi states?

I want to thank God for the victory He has given to the party in Bayelsa and Kogi states. This victory is a demonstration of the acceptance of the All Progressives Congress in the South-South of Nigeria and also a reconfirmation that in the Northcentral, APC is a party to beat. I want to thank the people of Kogi and Bayelsa States for the confidence they have in our party.

It is not easy to bean an incumbent in a state like Bayelsa that has been under the PDP for the past 20 years. But, when you present a good man as a candidate, a man who is at home with his people, there’s no way people can forsake such a man, especially when they are confronted with a very incompetent government that has been ruling the state for the past eight years.

Bayelsa is a small state, one of those with the smallest number of local government areas and one of the states with very huge income coming from the Federal Government, due to their location. But, upon a visit to Yenagoa, which is about the only land local government, the others ones are basically water, you cannot see the effect of the large amount of resources that go into Bayelsa state. The victory, for Bayelsa people, is a liberation.

In Kogi, I want to thank the people for reconfirming their choice for the APC. A lot of things were said about Bello, but all I can see, these were propaganda for outside the state, the actual owners of Kogi have said who they want. It’s also another opportunity for him to correct the wrongs, if any, which people accused him of.

I want to congratulate both governors-elect on this very important victory for their states and for our party and hope that by their actions, they will renew the trust Nigerians are beginning to have in the progressive government of President Muhammadu Buhari.

Is APC an ideological party?

I also hope that whatever they do in office will reconfirm the people’s confidence in what the APC is doing because APC, as a party, will want to move from just an ordinary platform to contest election to a party that will build progressive ideologies that will guide the growth of this nation into the future.

I feel very happy because we have continued to maintain this winning streak since this executive committee came to office; talking about the staggered elections from Ekiti State to Osun State. We have been able to convince Nigerians to reelect Mr. President, we have also convince Nigerians to elect more APC members into the National Assembly. I believe that Nigerians are beginning to have confidence in our party and that’s why in each election, we have been able to prove that as we move every day, it keeps getting better.

Is President Buhari transforming Nigeria through his policies?

I disagree with those saying APC is same as PDP. Human beings are not very patient. Change is not an overnight thing. It is a gradual process and if we reflect very properly, we’ll agree that certain things are changing under the leadership of President Buhari. There are things people will not willingly do now because they know their repercussion, it’s a gradual process and like I said, the party doesn’t just want to remain a platform for merely contesting or winning elections, it wants to become a forum to canvass an ideology that will help the country move up. For instance, it takes only a man like Buhari to contemplate the closure of borders. Most countries in the world that have been able to rise from ruins had to close their borders and think inwards and come up with ways forward. We have had several governments in this country, nobody has ever thought about that.

Read Also: Ize-Iyamu, Edo ex-Speaker, others dump PDP for APC


Like the example people give; you keep wondering a country like the Republic of Benin, with a population of about 12 million people can be the highest importer of rice in Africa. Where is the market? Everything is shifted into Nigeria. They make the profit from the ports because they charge cheap imports, but at the end of the day the whole cargo finds its way into Nigeria. How can a country like Republic of Benin, with a population of about 12 million people be the largest importer of used cars in Africa? Considering their landmass, where will they drive the cars? Somehow, these cars find their ways into Nigeria. Mind you, these importations are not done by the people of the Republic of Benin, they were done by Nigerians who moved into the Republic of Benin to beat costs.

We are not saying don’t make your importations. All we are saying is come through our ports so that Nigeria can at least get something out of it. These are gradual changes that are coming under this administration. It is like having a child that you have been living with for like five years, you may not notice the child is growing, until you travel for some time and you come back to meet a big man. People don’t notice these things, but they are happening. I believe we are on the right path and like I said, the APC will prefer be referred to in the future as a party that help nurse the growth for Nigeria and not just a platform where you just come and contest election and win.

How would the party unite feuding members in the state, prior to the election:

Failure is an orphan, but success has a lot of friends. We would have been mourning today if we had lost because people would have been saying we lost because we failed to listen to them. For instance, I heard people are already calling for Secondus to resign because of the party’s loss in Bayelsa. Same thing could have been happening here today; people would have been calling for the heads of the members of the National Working Committee, saying they knew the right thing to do in Bayelsa, but they refused to do it. However, today we have won and all we are getting is congratulations. Internal strife is common in any contest; everybody wants to be the flagbearer, but that is not possible and no matter how you try to process the selection, people who are not favoured will protest.

By the grace of God, today, having victory on our side, it becomes very easy to reconcile because if you have nothing to work for, there would have been no point. But, today, we have success on our side. It is easier to ask our members to sheath their swords. We can all form this government and provide democracy dividends for our people. I believe it’s easier now. We have passed through that stage, we had one of the worst incidents when we were trying to reconcile people before the main election, after the primaries. We have gone beyond that now, by the grace of God.

How do you assess former President Jonathan’s role in the APC victory in Bayelsa?

There’s something we must understand. If you are a former president of a country or a statesman, you go beyond party boundaries. Also remember some of the members of the APC campaign council are sitting governors. I see nothing wrong in sitting governors going to pay courtesy visit to a former president, when they know he’s around and they were very close to him. There’s no political angle to it; it was just a normal visit to a former president. I commend his magnanimity in receiving people in position of authority without considering where they come from. Their going to see him did not mean the former president supported another party. The former president is a man, whom I’m sure if he wants to leave one party for another, will not leave anything to speculation.


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